Yoga and Autism: Best Partner

Yoga is not only a great hobby but is also a therapeutic practice for those struggling with mental health disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Its breathing exercises and meditative poses may serve as complementary therapy for those with Autism as it has physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Numerous research studies have shown that Yoga has indeed contributed to the well-being of those struggling with autism in both kids and adults alike.

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While yoga offers tremendous benefits to people with autism, is it safe and accessible? Most definitely! Yoga involves low-impact movements that vary depending on the capability of a person. With proper guidance, the different yoga poses and breathing techniques can be performed easily even by those with Autism. In addition, it can be performed within the comforts of their own home so that people with Autism can feel more at ease.



Reducing anxiety and depression

-         Nowadays when the isolation brought by the quarantine has made it a lot more challenging to cope especially for those with prior mental health disorders, practices that benefit the mental and emotional health are an excellent addition to one’s lifestyle. A heightened sense of anxiety and difficulty to reach out to other people is among the most common struggles of people with Autism. However, yoga is proven to reduce anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders that affect a lot of those with Autism. Specific breathing techniques and yoga pose help release negative emotions that people with autism struggle to express to speech.


Maintaining a healthy physique and strengthening the immune system

-         Obesity is one of the most common disorders that accompany autism. This may lead to other health issues such as asthma, bone, and joint problems, sleep apnea, and poor self-esteem. Yoga is an effective practice to maintain physical fitness and function as it contributes to one’s balance, body flexibility, and body strength. Despite it only using low-impact movements, it is proven to cause a substantial amount of weight loss with continuous practice. On the other hand, autoimmune conditions are said to often coexist with Autism. As yoga improves physical and mental health, it also strengthens the overall immune system of those with autism and improves their digestive, respirative, and allergic responses.


Improving sensory processing

-         Sensory processing refers to how the nervous system receives messages and transforms them into motor and behavioral responses and it is common for people with Autism to struggle with this area. On a lighter note, Yoga improves coordination and helps reconnect them to their five senses. Yoga postures accompanied by breathing exercises are helpful in supporting “sensory integration”. It helps people with Autism to strengthen their connection with the environment and other people as well as perceive them positively.


“There needs to be a lot more emphasis on what a child

can do instead of what he cannot do”


Temple Grandin


According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 1 in 68 children has autism. Because of this, specialists have been searching for new ways to improve their quality of life. Ever since then, yoga has been discovered as an effective practice to help them reduce stress and improve their overall well-being.

Here are some of its benefits:

Increased Communication Skills

-         As adults instruct the children about different yoga poses, they learn to imitate them and practice sustaining their focus. This helps them understand the actions of others and their own and teaches them how to communicate with others.

Improved Body Awareness

-         The directional instructions in yoga such as left and right, and up and down help develop coordination within young children as well as improve their posture.

Reduced Display of Challenging Behaviors

-         Children with autism often struggle to control their emotions and physical behavior. They struggle in areas of communication, sustaining attention, and sensory integration. The meditative aspect of yoga helps them improve their mood and behavior as well as their coping skills when subjected to an unusual situation.

Improved Sense of Self

-         As the children perform the different poses in yoga, they experience a sense of self-satisfaction that improves their self-esteem.



To ensure that the type and level of yoga performed is fit for the person with autism, make sure to do the following:

  1. Consult a specialist before starting a yoga program

  2. Ensure that the person is physically and mentally prepared before exercising

  3. Start performing basic techniques before transitioning to more intense sessions depending on their capability (Make sure to watch out for symptoms of fatigue such as shortness of breath, muscle cramps, and dizziness)




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