How can we be prepared for an Emergency Disasters?
We can hardly predict when an accident or disaster, such as an earthquake, fire, or flood, will happen, but we can do our best to prepare for these environmental emergencies.
Once a disaster arises, these are the four questions that need to be asked:
• Are food and water available?
• Are there injuries that require First Aid and medical attention?
• Do the individuals have to evacuate or are it safe to stay in the home?
• Has the disaster affected public utilities, such as gas, electricity, and
To respond well during an environmental emergency, a DSP (Direct Support Professional) needs to follow the “4 Ps”:
• PREPARE - have the right things available.
• PLAN – Every DSP should have a disaster plan and the right actions and strategies.
• PRACTICE - hold disaster drills. Every DSP should know how to respond properly to an external disaster.
• PERFORM - complete the right action in an emergency.
Emergency Medical Services
In California Legislative Law:
In cooperation with the Office of Emergency Services, the authority shall respond to any medical disaster by mobilizing and coordinating emergency medical services mutual aid resources to mitigate health problems.
The MHOAC (Medical Health Operational Area Coordinator) shall recommend to the operational area coordinator of the Office of Emergency Services a medical and health disaster plan for the provision of medical and health mutual aid within the operational area.
It is important to take appropriate steps in the event of a disaster. A right disaster, emergency plan, and response and identifying the possible risks are key to have a great deal of strain of emergency services, including medical care.