Care and Culture: Elegant Care Villa Walks the Santacruzan

May 2024, Carson California - Elegant Care Villa was represented by two lovely women in Mayfest 2024’s Santacruzan. Mayfest, an annual cultural celebration in Carson, CA, honors caregivers through various activities, and performances. This year, the highlight of the festival is the Santacruzan parade. The parade features beautifully dressed delegates from different organizations that represent historical and religious figures. The Santacruzan aims to showcase the culture and traditions of the Philippines to the people of Carson, particularly for Filipino-Americans living abroad. Many organizations have partnered with Mayfest to support its mission, including Elegant Care Villa Buena Park.

Elegant Care Villa Buena Park, established in 2000, is a family-run provider of quality residential care services for seniors and individuals with disabilities, specializing in mental health and behavioral support. The organization prides itself on its administrators' 45 years of combined management experience, who began as caregivers and progressed to certified administrators, ensuring high standards of care. Elegant Care Villa has a long-standing history of success, having expanded multiple times since its inception and being awarded a contract by the Harbor Regional Center to establish a Residential Care Facility for Adults with Special Health Needs.

This Mayfest 2024, the Santacruzan parade had two delegates from Elegant Care Villa Buena Park - Dhang Alipio, and Joy Alipio. Dhang represented Reyna de los Apóstoles (Queen of Apostles), while Joy represented Reyna de la Paz (Queen of Peace). Both amazing women showed love for the Filipino culture and the caregivers of the community. 

It was Dhang’s first time joining the Santacruzan, she only got to watch it at home when the parade walked past their house. She mentioned that she never expected to be a part of the parade, she was just surprised one day that a gown maker was already messaging her.  As for Joy, this isn’t her first time, she had already participated in the Santacruzan twice before Mayfest, one of them being in LA. Both of their gowns are made in the Philippines by Cristina Halili, a talented seamstress who has been creating Santacruzan gowns for years.  

“ I am honored to represent my cultures, values, and beliefs it was a great experience working with the people with the same interest,” Dhang said recalling her experience in the Santacruzan. She also described her experience as a way of connecting with others and obtain similar values and beliefs.

By joining Mayfest and participating in the Santacruzan, ECV celebrates Filipino traditions and emphasizes the importance of caregivers in the community. Their involvement supports Mayfest's mission to honor and uplift caregivers, bringing a sense of unity and pride among Filipino Americans. Through their support, ECV helps to enhance the event's cultural exchange and reinforce the value of quality care and community collaboration.

To learn more about Elegant Care Villa and its mission, click here


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